4,300 Data Points Prove Traits Don’t Impact Yield

Despite widespread advertising that “Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® is 5 bushels better than Enlist E3” or “LibertyLink is 2 bushels better than RR2 Xtend,” traits have no inherent yield advantage over any other traits. Genetics deliver yield. Period.
We say this confidently because we operate the largest independent yield testing program in the Upper Midwest. We’re committed to this level of research because it is the only way to get the independent data necessary for good decision-making. In fact, our research program is what most of the breeders rely on for their testing. Certainly not strip plot data.
2 years and over 4,300 data points shows no significant yield difference between varieties of Enlist, Xtend and LLGT27 (below)!
You can trust that whichever trait or traits you prefer, the genetics in the Peterson Farms Seed varieties will bring you the agronomics and yields you need.
And because we’re independent you have access to not only ALL the traits, but to thousands of data points proving what works, and more importantly, what doesn’t work, where you farm.
The 2021 product line-up brings improved IDC and SCN resistance combined with higher yield potential. As a researcher it’s pretty rewarding to see varieties that we saw and tested in our program come through with strong yield data.
Check out our handy Trait Herbicide Comparison Chart here.