We pride ourselves on having top-notch varieties suited to our farmers’ fields. We select varieties and hybrids not based on how well they’ll help us expand […]
In the last few years, Bacterial Leaf Streak (BLS) has become a growing concern for regional wheat growers… for good reason. Much like Goss’s wilt in […]
WARNING: Soapbox speech ahead! Remember when glyphosate-resistant crops were first introduced? The technology worked great. But, after 20 years of overuse, not so much anymore. The […]
Soybean cyst nematode is present in all crop-producing areas of Minnesota, Eastern South Dakota, and Eastern North Dakota. It continues moving further west into the Dakotas […]
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is the single-greatest yield robber in soybeans in the Midwest. Most farmers don’t know they have SCN, don’t know their current cyst […]
Agricultural biologicals are all the buzz now, but what are they? Categorizing different types of biologicals will decipher what these products are and how they work. […]
Undoubtedly, the No. 1 topic of conversation since last summer has been corn rootworm. For many regional farmers with rotated acres, it is the first time […]
Yields are heavily influenced by wet weather, which we typically experience in our northern region. Soilborne fungi like Pythium sp. and Phytophthora sp. are present in […]
My biggest tip for corn growers concerning corn planting date: use the NDAWN website to monitor soil temperatures in the weeks leading up to planting and […]