Blue Jackets and a Winning FFA Chapter!

Recently, we held a National FFA Week contest on our social platforms. For a chance to win $1,000 towards their chosen chapter, we asked that they comment with a photo in their blue jacket. We got so much more than just photos! Many comments included heartwarming memories to go along with the photos.
We compiled some of our favorites showing the impact that FFA has on students throughout their life.
“Being presented with my FFA jacket I earned by winning the local alumni sponsored FFA creed competition. Now helping with the Golden Valley chapter. Thank you for this walk down memory lane and your generous donations to support FFA dreams.” ~ Kristy Olstad
“Four members from the Killdeer Chapter (my chapter) and two North Dakota state officers with Governor Burgum. We had the opportunity to attend CTE in memorial hall this past February and share with legislators and many different people the impact of FFA and ag classes in everyday life and our futures. FFA and Agriculture has been a great organization to me and my growth in life.” ~ Erin McFadden
“What an incredible experience it was for small town Bowman, ND kids to travel all over the U.S. wearing our blue and gold jackets! FFA gave us all roots and wings. I am excited to now have a daughter in the Sheyenne Valley chapter!” ~ Kristi Shanenko
“We all have people who we admire, love, and call our inspiration. My aunt Bridget is one of my heroes, along with my brother and sister’s hero. She took time out of her day to attend our 4- H, FFA, and school events. I was extremely happy and surprised to see her attend the Proficiency Luncheon for my Regional Proficiency Award at the 1995 Minnesota FFA State Convention. Now, as an advisor in North Dakota, I want my members to look for their hero and inspiration.” ~ William Fritz
The Napoleon FFA chapter was chosen at random as the winner of the contest and we were more than happy to support their chapter’s continued education and success!

Brian Schneider, Napoleon FFA advisor and Teagan Erbele, Napoleon FFA President