All timeline stories.

January 2, 2020


Carl wakes up one day and realizes: “I’m a seed salesman.”
January 2, 2020


Julie models the growing company’s culture after Great Plains Software. It’s a team approach that rallies everybody around one single mission: helping growers be successful.
January 2, 2020


Armed with the cleaning equipment, Carl and Julie decide to go into the seed business. They soon find out that conditioning the seed is the easy […]
January 2, 2020


The couple spends the entire winter – November through March – not only cleaning their own wheat, but their neighbors’.
January 2, 2020


Just as the farm crisis shows signs of letting up, wheat scab hits the Red River Valley. Elevators, not sure what to do, shut down.
January 2, 2020


Julie leverages her marketing degree and finds work at Great Plains Software. The company’s culture-first philosophy makes a huge impact on her and, eventually, Peterson Farms […]
January 2, 2020


A farm crisis grips the nation. While lawmakers haggle over a solution, the media serves up a steady diet of farm foreclosures.
January 2, 2020


Carl and Julie head off to Iowa State University. Carl, who goes at his father’s insistence, vows to finish his degree early so he misses as […]