Get to Know Your Nozzles!

Having more soybean options than ever is great for farmers! But make sure you understand the nozzles recommended for each option. Here is what you need to know.
As shown, the droplet size difference between the three nozzle types emphasizes the importance of picking the correct nozzle for the right application.
The TTI 11004 nozzle (left – Xtend system) produces coarse, large droplets that will help minimize physical drift of the herbicide. Other nozzles may be added to the label by spring but I believe this will be the recommended nozzle either way. Because XtendiMax is not a contact herbicide, full coverage does not matter so this type of nozzle works well.
The AIXR nozzle (middle – RR2Y) is most popular with those applying glyphosate. This produces a medium to coarse droplet which gives better coverage than the TTI but produces large enough droplets to minimize the chance of drift.
The XR flat fan nozzle (right – LibertyLink) is the perfect nozzle for contact herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides where coverage is needed. This is what most growers are using on their LL soybeans. Also, any burner (Cobra, Flexstar, etc.) herbicides used on RR2Y soybeans should use this nozzle to achieve better coverage. The flat fan nozzle has the highest chance of physical drift due to its fine droplets. Drift control adjuvants are recommended if conditions are right for drift.
As always, if you have any questions relating to nozzles or about any other ‘best practices’ across our soybean options, please give me a call (701) 282-7476 or shoot me an e-mail!