Giving Thanks for Mothers on Mother’s Day

In honor of this Mother’s Day we talked to Kathi Luther, a Peterson Farms Seed dealer near Enderlin, N.D., about how she manages it all and why being a “farm mom” is the greatest gig of all.
Kathi and her husband, Steve, own K&S Seeds, offering seed and custom seed treatment for growers in their area. The business is on the farm Steve grew up on and where Kathi and Steve raised their three children, Karla, Andrea and Matthew.

Steve and Kathi Luther, owners of K&S Seed
Q: How did you get started in the seed business?
A: It started when Steve and I were having difficulty managing the family life balance farming and raising hogs while having children. The kids spent a lot of time in the hog barn with me or at their grandma’s house. Steve and I started to talk about finding a way to have better quality time with our kids.
We decided it was time to get out of hogs. We were growing soybeans, corn, wheat, barley, millet and sunflowers at the time. The first drum treater I had was made by Steve for me to use to apply insecticide fungicide to the soybean seed. It was slow, but we got the job done. It’s come a long way to today where we look at the technology in the seed treatment equipment and most of the seed that leaves here is treated.
Our business really started with our farm, a few neighbors and it kept growing from there.
Q: How did you balance the business with being a mom?
A: We always had a support system. Our parents, neighbors, and friends helped us along the way. Sometimes…we just had to figure it out.
Our kids went with us most of the time in the field—a lot of naps on the tractor floor. I really enjoy that I now get to experience having my grandkids in the buddy seat. It’s such a gift to be able to have them ride with me. It’s an awesome time to connect and have conversations. You are able to bond with your children and grandchildren in a different way when you have extended time without distractions.
There were plenty of challenges along the way, but I think navigating those helped instill a work ethic and values in our kids. We made mistakes, but we learned from them. A big part of that balance was remembering to appreciate little moments. As the kids got older it was important to ask them about their day. Even when I’m busy, I’ve always wanted my children or grandchildren to know I’m interested in them.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about being a mom?
A: It’s just all the love that you see in those little faces when they look at you and witnessing all of their milestones into adulthood. I really enjoy getting to have that experience again with my grandchildren. I love my little grandkids to pieces, and I can never see them enough. I’m just so thankful to be a part of their lives. I want them to feel that Grandma is always there to listen and support them.
Q: Talk about working side-by-side with your family.
A: Steve has been my rock through it all. Watching my son, Matt, come back to take over the farm has been wonderful to see. His wife, Maggie, works with me in the seed business, and she’s worth her weight in gold. I rely on her a lot. I’m blessed to have her.
This business can be seven days a week, 24-hours per day in the spring. I’m so thankful to have my family and especially Maggie here to handle running things. There are times where you’re getting calls at 11 at night to help farmers finish out a field, and we are there for them. Our season is so short, and we only have one chance to get that crop in the ground. Everyone must be on board with making that happen. As a family we’re experiencing similar emotions and challenges to our customers, and having the family perspective, I think is a real strength of our business.

Maggie and Kathi Luther
Q: What do you appreciate about being in agriculture?
A: If you’re not from a farm background, it’s difficult to understand the incredible amount of ownership you have over the land, particularly if the farm has been in the family for generations. It’s a very emotional business that we work in because we just love the land so much. It’s just a wonderful feeling to experience. We’re so blessed to be able to continue this every year.
I love my growers and am able to work with people who care for their land deeply. I’ve also made really good friends in the seed business. Two of my best friends are women who own seed businesses. We’re fortunate to have a very good support system, both from within and outside the family.
Q: Describe your perfect Mother’s Day.
A: My perfect Mother’s Day would start with church, coming home and treating some seed so farmers can keep going, and connecting with my children and grandchildren over the phone or in person. It might not happen on Mother’s Day, but we can always go out to supper or things like that to celebrate later.
I enjoy spending time with my kids and grandkids. We go on a lot of adventures together. For example, sometimes the grandkids go with me on the Ranger on a ride through some drainage ditches. The kids are usually the happiest if they come back covered in mud.
Q: What advice would you give your younger self or someone else starting out in the seed business?
A: I think sometimes you get so wrapped up in the business that you forget about your faith. Faith and family go hand-in-hand.
I have faith in God, so I pray for my children. I think that’s such an important aspect to remember. Don’t forget to pray for your kids every day.
I made mistakes along the road like we all do, but you must learn from them. Learning from them gets you to this age where you can enjoy things a little more.

Kathi and two of her grandkids
To Kathi and all of the other moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for all that you do to keep those tractors rolling!