Our Top 5 Planting Blogs Compiled for You!

It seems every year we could all use a refresher on when it’s time to roll those planters. Looking at the current NOAA 6-10 and 8-14 Day forecast these cold temps look like they will hold till the week of the 26th. NDAWN soil temps across North Dakota hover in that 40-degree range. But this is all totally normal!
I’ve run custom GDU’s since 2007 and in those 14 years, the week of the 26th has been the start of planting 11 times. A little snow and cold in April is nothing to get worked up about.
So while it’s too early to get the corn and beans in the ground, that doesn’t mean you can’t get prepared. We’ve talked about planting on this blog A LOT over the years. And for good reason. When and how the seed goes in the ground can be the difference between a bin buster or an average crop.
Here are our top 5 planting blogs over the years:
Ole & Sven Over the Years. Research You Can Use.
In this blog, Troy outlines populations, depths and speeds to maximize your corn and soybean planting yields. 15 years of research makes for some pretty compelling stats!
Planting into Dry Soil
A dry spring certainly has its own set of challenges. Make the most of these conditions by following these tips.
The Soybean Population Sweet Spot: NDSU & PFS Agree!
What’s the ideal population for soybeans? This blog discusses the fine line between investing and over investing in your crop.
When Should We Start Planting Corn?
How early is too early? When should you plant, or not plant? This may have been written in 2012, but the advice holds up almost 10 years later.
Unrecoverable: Three Corn Planting Sins to Avoid
Too deep, too shallow, too fast. Avoid these planting sins and set yourself up for success.
Smile and enjoy the fact we are picking up some much-needed precipitation, we don’t have winter snowpack to melt and the frost is out across the Tri-State. Come the week of April 26, conditions should be excellent to hit the ground running. Enjoy some bonus time with the family before things get crazy.
Here are the weather sources I trust the most if you’re looking for some resources:
NOAA 6-10 Day Outlook – https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/610day/
NOAA 8-14 Day Outlook – https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/814day/
NDAWN Deep Soil Temperatures – https://ndawn.ndsu.nodak.edu/deep-soil-temperatures.html