Peterson VT2 PRO — Now Offered in a SingleBag Solution!
No doubt you have heard that the VT2 PRO trait has received Refuge In Bag approval.
Peterson Farms Seed will now be offering all our VT2 PRO products as Refuge in Bag. VT Double Pro is the best trait solution for most of our region’s growers since they do not have rootworms (we still have rootworm products for those who do). This trait provides protection with two modes of action against corn borers and is effective against earworms and many other secondary pests. Peterson Farms Seed is now providing it as a single bag solution, eliminating the requirement to plant a separate refuge.
Confusion? Think of it this way:
First — select the genetics you need for your specific field and conditions.
Second — select the particular trait you need to protect the yield of those genetics (Genuity VT2 PRO if you don’t have rootworm; Genuity VT3 PRO, SmartStax, or Agrisure 3000GT if you do have rootworm).
Third — consider the refuge required. Peterson Farms Seed will package all VT2 PRO corn as a single bag solution. The refuge will already be in the bag as 5% of the seed. There will be no need to plant a separate refuge. A 20% refuge will still be required for products protecting against rootworm.
There are other companies also offering VT2 PRO as a RIB product. But truly, the trait is only a small part of the story.
We start with industry leading genetics, selected just for this region, tested across our territory. Then we add the Genuity VT2 PRO trait to provide great insect protection and herbicide resistance. And finally, we provide the very highest seed quality you can buy. That is the combination giving our growers the yield punch they need for truly bin busting yields.
All current orders for VT2 PRO products will automatically be changed to RIB products, at the same price as the non-RIB.