Unmatched Quality
When your name is on the bag, the stakes are high. That’s why we set high standards for ourselves and the seed we sell, striving for 94% germination on soybeans when the industry standard is 90%.
Soybean Germination
Germination is all about handling, and we handle our soybeans with extra care. The gentler, the better. We don’t use augers in our system, and nothing is dropped more than six to seven feet. This results in a germination rate that is second to none. While the industry standard is only 90%, we strive for 94% germination.
Obsessive Attention To Detail
You don’t achieve higher than average germination by accident. It takes top-notch production growers, a state-of-the-art cleaning facility and a team dedicated to carefully monitoring every load in (and out) of our facility. Each step in the pursuit of achieving 94% germination is key to an end product we’re happy to put our name on.