The third edition of Peterson Field Insights is available! As an agronomy-first company, we remain steadfast in our mission to help growers maximize yields and profitability. […]
You’ve heard of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon—a parlor game where players challenge each other to choose an actor and then connect them to another […]
Tar spot is relatively new to U.S. farmers. It has not yet significantly affected our backyard, but it continues pushing closer and closer to home. Tar […]
As you’re well aware, Goss’s Wilt is a relatively new disease in the northern states, other than in southern South Dakota, where it first appeared in […]
By Rick Swenson, Lead Agronomist & Nolan Berg, Precision Systems Agronomist In 2023, we ran an article on removing headland data from your fall yield analysis. […]
Undoubtedly, the No. 1 topic of conversation since last summer has been corn rootworm. For many regional farmers with rotated acres, it is the first time […]
My biggest tip for corn growers concerning corn planting date: use the NDAWN website to monitor soil temperatures in the weeks leading up to planting and […]
If you search our online blogs for “temperature and planting,” 28 articles have been written since 2014! By far, it is our most popular topic. Living […]
There are three factors that indicate it’s time to plant corn: the calendar, soil temperature and soil moisture. Of those three, calendar and temperature can be […]